The lost wax or
cirè-perdué process is the traditional method of bronze
casting. It has been around for at least 5000 years and was used by
the early Egyptians, Greeks, Africans and the masters of the Italian
Artcast uses a similar process today to cast metal alloys and glass for art and industry. We are the resource for the sculptor who has a molding or casting process challenge.
Our aim is to produce high quality castings for the sculptor looking for a foundry that handles work with the care and respect their creative effort deserves. Send your wax sculpture to us be cast by the lost wax casting process to be sure of the best possible result. No job too large or small, we will give you an estimate. We can even bring the foundry to you! For those who desire to learn more about this fascinating process, we can arrange workshops presented for sculptors or students, or supply technical know how by consultation. Phone us: (New Zealand) 06 3438732 or MobileSMS
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process | gallery | services | information | about artcast | related links